Web Based Flight Platform is a project which focuses on developing a hardware platform for web-based swarm of drones, this platform provides the hardware requirements for developing the IoT based drones i.e. sensors, processors and input/output ports. Beside this a cellular processors provides the connection of the drones to the internet using 3G/4G mobile connection. so it can be easily used in SWARM and smart applications. different agents in a system can be connected to each other using WBFP, including different UAVs in different types (multirotor/fixed wing,…) and ground stations.
Capabilities of web-based flight platform
The first version of web-based flight platform comes with some embedded necessary sensors and I/O ports and processors:
- Two separate ATMEGA32 processors for auto pilot and flight control
- MPU 9250 IMU:
- Three 16-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) for digitizing the gyroscope outputs
- Three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing the accelerometer outputs
- Three 16-bit ADCs for digitizing the magnetometer outputs
- Gyroscope full-scale range of ±250, ±500, ±1000, and ±2000°/sec (dps)
- Accelerometer full-scale range of ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, and ±16g
- Magnetometer full-scale range of ±4800μT
- I2C and SPI serial interfaces
- Internal Digital Motion Processing engine supports advanced
- MotionProcessing and low power functions such as gesture recognition using programmable interrupts
- 20 digital and 10 analog I/O pins
- Sim-card slot for 3G internet connection
This features makes WBFP a suitable flight control for IoT, online and offline missions. Some extra digital/analog I/O pins are considered for other requirements like camera, GPS, data collecting equipment, radio communication, RC and more. WBFP is not designed for specific configuration of drones, if the provided hardware equipment satisfies your needs you can use it as your flight control, but it has designed to support fixed wing, multi rotors (mono rotor, bi-rotor, tri-rotor, quad-rotor, …), flapping wing, hybrid, and other types of light drones.
A patent is submitted as a result of this project by the number of 103589 in G06G 7/48 and G06G 7/72 classifications as “Web Based Flight Platform” at the Iran Patent Office (IPO). click here to see more details.
Future versions
We are going to publish some useful information at the official web page of the web-based flight platform at WBFP.ir in future.