I’m currently working on intelligent control systems using learning methods including ANN and DL algorithms. I head the Machine Learning Department (MLD) of Space Systems Design Institute (SSDI), we are working on the intelligent control systems and methods and their applications in aerospace systems, including UAVs, SWARM systems and satellites. At the MLD of SSDI we welcome any cooperating ideas in intelligent systems so feel free to contact us.
The other research interest is the Smart Cities, I am working on the Smart Cities and applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) in them with cooperation of Autonomous Flight and Aquatic Systems Laboratory (AFASL) at New Mexico Tech, we also welcome any new ideas in this field.
I also work on the bio-inspired computational methods which are related to the previous subjects, me and my cooperates are looking for the applications of these methods in aerospace industry, specifically in flight dynamic and control.